From Robber to American Muslim minister | Malcolm X

From Robber to American Muslim minister | Malcolm X
Malcolm X the Afr0-American Mulism

Let’s look at it.

Life of Malcolm X:
A Brief Intro:
Malcolm X was a Human right activist and Muslim minister in America. Prior to accepting Islam, he was a robber, a drug dealer, a prostitute and gambler. He had an inferiority complex of being black. He was jailed for robbery and spent six years there. In jail, he met a Muslim Black man who taught him, that he should not be ashamed of being black. He told Malcolm about the nations of Islam (A black Muslims, political and religious movement) and Elijah Muhammad the leader nation of Islam. Elijah Muhammad was a staunch believer in Black Supremacy Malcolm soon accepted Islam and start believing in Black Supremacy. After getting released from jail, he met Elijah Muhammad and joined the Nations of Islam. Elijah Muhammad liked him so much that soon he made Malcolm the minister of Muslim temple in Harlem. Malcolm loved Elijah Muhammad so much that he was ready to sacrifice his life for Elijah. Malcolm has excellent speaking skills, soon he becomes the minister of all Muslim temples of Nation of Islam. He was getting too media coverage and his colleague started to get jealous of him. Elijah Muhammad felt that Malcolm wanted to preside the nations of Islam. Malcolm heard that Elijah had impregnated two women, and to confirm that he went to meet them. After confirming, he decided to part his ways with the Nation of Islam. He went to hajj (Muslim Pilgrimage), during hajj he realized that no race is supreme to others. After Hajj he started to talk about equality of all, rather than black supremacy. He started talking against Elijah Muhammad. Members of nations of Islam threaten him and his family. In 1965, when he was about to address OAAU in Manhattan and members of the Nation of Islam assassinated him by shooting at him.

Malcolm father was black and his mother was white. His mother always hated her skin complexion, because of her mother (Malcolm’s grandmother) was raped by a white man. Malcolm’s mother wanted her children to be black that’s why she married the blackest person she found.
Malcolm’s father believed that there is no place for Black people in America, Black people belong to Africa, they will never get due respect in America, so they should return to their homeland Africa. Malcolm’s father was killed by white supremacists (members of Black Legion) for speaking against white people.

Why Malcolm X left school despite being good in studies?
He was at the age of 6 when his father was murdered. After that, his mother got nervous disorder so he was sent to detention home in Michigan. He was a brilliant student and wanted to become a lawyer. His school teacher advised him not to be a lawyer despite good grades only because of his skin colour. His school teacher told him that
For people with Skin colour like you, it is better to be a carpenter rather than a Lawyer. You should do a job that requires physical work, people would love to give work to you.”

After listening to his teacher, he was so disheartened that he left school and started to work as a waiter on the railroad.

What is the meaning of X in his name?
Malcolm’s real name was Malcolm little, Elijah Muhammad told him that surname of black people came from the name of their master. So, he replaces little with “X”. He explained it in an interview that X in algebra means ‘unknown’, so in his name X show his freedom that he is no more a slave. After performing Hajj, he changes his name to El-Hajj Malik El Shahbaz. According to Elijah Muhammad, Shahbaz is the name of the leader of slaves that first came from Africa to America.

Why was he ashamed to be black?
Prior to accepting Islam, he used to dye his hair to look like white men. He feels ashamed of himself for being black. He was born at a time when white supremacy was at its peak. Everyone calls the black man a ‘Nigga’, he was fed up with all this.

How Malcolm accepted Islam?
As mentioned earlier, Malcolm was involved in any illegal activities. While he was in jail, his brother Reginald wrote to him submit to Allah, avoid all illegal activities. He invited him to be a part of The Nation of Islam, but he found it difficult to bend to Allah. He received a letter from Elijah Muhammad who advised him to forget his past, start a new life and promise not to involve in that activities again. Letter from Elijah made it easy for him to pray.

How much he loves Elijah Muhammad?
He was so impressed by Elijah that he was willing to die for him. He mentioned in his book that if Elijah commits a crime and he had to sit on an electric chair in place of Elijah he would gladly do that.

A staunch believer in Black Supremacy?
He believes that black people are supreme than white people because Elijah Muhammad said so. On the assassination of USA President John Kennedy by a black man, he made a statement “the chickens were coming home to roost”, which means black people are now retaliating to the oppression on them by white people.

Why Malcolm left Nations of Islam?
Malcolm was the person who introduces the nation of Islam to the world. He took the nation of Islam to the next level, but he had to leave. When he heard about the scandal of Elijah Muhammad of impregnating two white girls. He went to meet both of separately to it. After confirming he went to Elijah and inquired why he did this. Elijah replied that he has no son, he wanted heir who could handle all his matters. Listening to Elijah, Malcolm got frustrated and left Elijah and the nation of Islam.

How his views changes about black supremacy?
During Hajj, when he sat with white people, ate with them. He realized that Allah made everyone equal. No race is superior to others. After returning from hajj, he raised his voice for equal rights, not of black supremacy.

Why was he Murdered?
After segregating from the nation of Islam, he talked against Elijah Muhammad which of course disliked by members of Nation of Islam. So, they decided to murder him. First, they put his house on fire, and then they shot him while he was about to address OAAU in Manhattan.

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