Zulfiqar the sword of Hazrat Ali (R.A)

ZULFIQAR the sword of hazrat ali
ZULFIQAR the sword of hazrat ali 

Hazrat Ali (r.a) is famous for his bravery and valour. He participated in all the battles during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except for the Battle of Tabuk. In many battles, he played an influential role in the victory of Muslims and made Muslims victorious. The thing which leads him to victory was his sword, named as “Zulfiqar” (after Allah’s help).

History of Zulfiqar
There are different perceptions of Scholars about the arrival of Zulfiqar, but most authentic one says that the Zulfikar was in spoils(Maal-e-Ghanimat) of the Battle of Badr, in which the Muslims emerged victorious against their enemies, and would be later gifted by the Prophet Muhammad to Ali during the Battle of Uhud. In the battle of Uhud Army of Infidels came close to Prophet Muhammad, at that time Ali took his sword and pushed back the infidels who attempt to strike the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and removed danger from the immediate vicinity of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It is also quoted by some Historians that when Hazrat Ali was slaying the infidels in the battle of Badr, Khandaq and Ahud, these lines were being chanted by angels in heaven.

لا فتى إلا علي لا سيف إلا ذو الفقارThere is no hero like Ali; There is no sword like Zulfiqar

Design of Zulfiqar:

Zulfiqar was “miraculous sword” of Imam Ali r.a, with two blades or points, which became a symbol of his courage on the battlefield. Zulfiqar means “cleaver of the spine". At that time, it was the only sword which had double edges.

Where is Zulfiqar now?
According to some of the Historians, Hazrat Ali r.a inherited sword to Imam Hassan r.a and he then passed it to his brother Imam Hussain r.a. Imam Hussain fought with Zulfiqar on battle of Karbala. Shia scholars believe that Imam Mehdi will have this sword when he will appear. God knows best.

Prestige of Zulfiqar
An Iranian main battle tank is also named after the sword, Zulfiqar.
During the Bosnian War, a Bosnian army's special unit was named "Zulfikar".
Pakistan former Prime Minister was also named as Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

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