Kaaba destruction by Muslims in History

Kaaba destruction by Muslims in History
Muslim performing Tawaf around Kaaba

Kaaba is the holiest site for Muslims. It is the greatest and most sacred mosque in Islam. Muslim considered it as House of God “Bait Ullah”. Kaaba was made by Prophet Ibrahim a.s and his son Ismail a.s on the order of Allah Almighty. While Kaaba was being built by Ibrahim, An angel brought to him a Black Stone (Hajr e Aswad) which is also considered as stone from Heaven.

Destruction of Kaaba in History
Kaaba the House of God was destroyed by Humans in History. Unfortunately, we could not safe this sacred place from destruction.  Even worse is that it was not destroyed by infidels (Kafir), but it was destroyed during the civil war of Muslims. Muslims who believes in the oneness of God and believes in the Prophecy of Muhammad destroyed their own Holiest place.How pathetic is for all the Muslim Ummah that after a few years of the death of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the intoxication of power led Muslims to destroy their most sacred place of worship.
Here are the events when Kaaba was destroyed.

First Siege of Makkah:
 The first siege of Makkah took place in 683, this the siege was commanded by Husayn ibn Naymar who was the leader of Umayyad caliphate. Abdullah bin Zubair (r.a) was in power in the Makkah and Madinah.  Yazid was the Caliph of Muslim Umma was at that time. Abdullah bin Zubair did not consider Yazid worthy of Caliphate as he was the son of Hazrat Muawiyah r.a and appointed as caliph without the consent of Muslims. Yazid sent his army to take Makkah and Madinah by force, his Army took over Madinah and went for Makkah. In the first battle, Abdullah bin Zubair army got the victory, but later Yazid army put Makkah under siege and used catapults to throw stones at the city. Abdullah bin Zubair’s army protected Kaaba with wooden frame covered with mattresses. These mattresses along with wooden frame caught fire. A stone from a catapult struck to sacred black stone (Hajr e Aswad) and it broke into pieces. Fragments of hajr e aswad were then joined by silver. Structure of Kaaba was severely damaged as stone from catapult hit its walls. This siege continued for 64 days. Siege came to an end when NEWS of death of Yazid arrived in Makkah.

Second Siege of Makkah:
Second siege of Makkah took place in 692. After the first siege, most of the cities came under the caliphate of Abdullah bin Zubair. By then Abdul Malik bin Marwan was the caliph of Umayyads. He decided to take cities back under Umayyads. After defeating his enemy in Iraq and Syria, he sent Hajaj bin Yusuf (uncle of Muhammad bin Qasim) with 2000 troops to Makkah to fight with Abdullah bin Zubair. Hajaj besieged the city of Makkah. Food supplies to the city had been cut off, Hajaj’s army used catapults to throw stones at Makkah. Hajaj did not even stop bombarding city at the time of Hajj. Hajaj wanted to perform tawaf of Holy Kaaba, but Abdullah bin Zubair refused. So, Hajaj started to bombard stone on Kaaba itself. Siege continued for 6-7 months, Abdullah bin Zubair went to his mother Hazrat Asma r.a (sister of Hazrat Ayesha r.a) and asked whether he should submit to Hajaj or fight. His mother persuaded him to fight. Abdullah bin Zubair was martyred fighting with Hajaj’s Army. Siege ended after his death, his head was sent to Caliph and his body was displayed in Gibbet.

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